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These charts for Physics 30 Chapter 17 "Models Of The Structure Of Matter", summarizes the final chapter of Physics 30 dealing with atomic structure, funciton of the atom, the foundations of the conservation of energy, charge, mass,-energy, and the origin and purpose of subatomic particles.  These charts accurately describe methods of testing matter and antimatter of subatomic particles including using cloud chambers, bubble chambers, understanding the left and right-hand rules for determining the direction of a particle track, understanding the quark composition of matter and antimatter (ex. proton = uud), calculating charge-to-mass ratio, Dirac's and Einstein's theory of discovering the positron, electron-positron collision theory, mediating zero-mass particles for the fundamental forces, differentiating between real and virtual particles, understanding electromagnetic repulsion between like charged quarks in a subatomic particle and the role of the strong and weak nuclear force in maintaining binding energies, defining spin (beta positive, beta negative, alpha decay and gamma decay), as well as determining the quantization of charge, finding the wavelength of emitted energy levels during line spectrum tests of each element, and using de Broglie's wave-particle light theory to describe atomic physics.  These charts also describe deflection in a cathode ray tube, determining atomic size and strength according to elements, understanding orbitals, calculating quark's in subatomic particles, measuring atomic structures using the Van de Graaf machine, drift tubes, cyclotrons, and synchotrons, in addition to defining the characteristics of leptons, mesons, and baryons, their key constituents, symbols, mass, and lifetimes with respect to atomic quantization, as well as defining fermiions and bosons.  These essential notes provide students with a deeper understanding clarified by the breakdown of information into interactive and informative graphs, labelled diagrams, and many other tables of conversion.  These charts are made for the Pearson Physics 20-30 textbook, or the Pearson/Nelson Science 30 textbook.  These charts are a great addition to any high school student's portfolio, or to any teacher's curriculum, and is great for diploma exam prep.


What's Included:

7 x Physics 30 Chapter 17 Charts (PDF Download)

Physics 30 Chapter 17 Charts


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