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Submitting Your Schoolwork To Your Teacher


Submitting schoolwork to your teacher at the end of each term can be done in three different ways:

- Submitting a copy of all the student's schoolwork in binders to the teacher(s).

- Submitting online schoolwork on Google Classroom

- Emailing your teacher the links to your online presentations and/or PDF documents

Here, I will walk you through all of these submitting processes, and how to prepare for your bi-annual progress review with your teacher.

What you will essentially need for this progress review (which is booked months in advance around your schedule) is a computer with some time of video chatting software (Skype, Zoon, Google Meets/Hangouts, Viber, FaceTime, or Facebook Messenger will work); and at least three hours of review time per student (I however require an average of four to six hours per meeting because I submit so much schoolwork). Make sure that this software is installed and working before the actual meeting. Your schoolwork must be submitted by about a week before the meeting so that your teacher(s) have time to review your work. You will go through your work one subject/project at a time, so make sure you have copies of your textbooks, online presentations, and schoolwork handy.

In order to submit your schoolwork via email, you must get a shareable link from your presentation, or download a copy of your schoolwork and upload that into your email (I would recommend the shareable links because uploading 20 or more PDF files is sure to have a negative effect on your storage space). To get a shareable link, publish your assignments online, or for Google Drive documents, spreadsheets, & slides; you can click the blue "share" button, and subsequently enter the email of the person you wish to send to (make sure it's on viewing permission not editing), or request a shareable link for anyone in EPSB, or anyone on the web (your preference). You would then copy and paste this link into a blank message to your teacher (if you know how to title a link instead of just leaving the URL it will be a lot easier to differentiate for the teacher and the student which document is which).

For submitting assignments via Google Classroom, you must log into classroom, click "View All", and then click on the assignment that you want to turn in, and click the "Add or Create" button. Then, you can mark the assignment as done. Don't worry, you can un-submit the assignment if you forgot something. Alternatively, for online schoolwork, you may choose to simply email your teacher the links & PDF's to online schoolwork completed.

For submitting your schoolwork in binders; you must photocopy all of your information. This will require a lot of ink & paper. But it's worth having a physical copy of your schoolwork. You will need to take pictures of your workbook pages and photocopy typed essays, because you will need your personal copy on-hand during the meeting while your teacher is discussing your coursework with you.

You'll need a few 3 inch binders from staples, page dividers, a printer with backup ink, paper, paperclips, a hole punch machine, plastic sheet protectors, and office stationary (ex. pens, pencils, erasers, etc...) I also recommend having legal size paper on hand for posters, a laminating machine (you can buy this mini machine starting at $20 at Staples), and a binding machine with coils (these can be bought from Staples for under $100, and they allow you to punch your essay pages into an actual book.) It's just like shopping for regular school supplies in the Fall. These are affordable items that go such a long way in your schoolwork's presentation, and they are lifelong tools that you can use for any future projects. I recommend everybody have these items in their office!

Make sure you put page dividers in between subjects, include a copy of your Home Education Plan and Parent Summary for each term, highlight test score results, and if you are submitting some of your schoolwork online, print a screenshot of the front page of your digital assignment and write that the full presentation is available online.

For example:

I printed this page to put in my binder, and emailed the link to the full website to my teacher.

Once your binders of schoolwork are all put together, you can send them to your teacher directly, or drop them off at your school. After your meeting, your teacher will let you know when to pick up your submitted schoolwork.

Here's the links to the stationary supplies I mentioned above (from Staples):

Graphing Calculators: - TI-84 Plus CE

Have fun parents & students. Going through the schoolwork with the teacher is the fun part!

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