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How To Fill Out A Parent Summary

A parent summary is a detailed summarization of the curricular outcomes and the student's strengths and weaknesses in each subject. It is completed biannually for all Grades of homeschooling at the end of each term (at the end of term one in December/January, and at the end of term two in May/June). This document is absolutely essential for your child's learning, and it goes hand-in-hand with the Home Education Plan (HEP) that is reviewed by both teachers, and universities when applying for post-secondary.

Attached here, is an example template for one of my Parent Summaries. You can use this document as a reference when you write your own.

In a parent summary, you have to go super in-depth when discussing what the student learned during each term of their education. You've got to have the average grade, GPA, learning outcomes, and a summary of what the student did well in, and what they may need more practise with. I've included an Average grade calculator and a GPA calculator for convenience. Please parents, get the student involved in writing the HEP and parent summaries; they will know best what they learned and how to summarize it; make sure this is a team effort!

When you open your blank Parent Summary (which I have attached here) you will fill in the student's name, grade, DOB, date submitted, and there is also a space of a Student ID number (this may be an ASN number (Alberta Student Number), or an EPSB number, please DO NOT fill this out, that is the school's responsibility). If you have more than one student per household registered for homeschooling, you must do separate HEP's and Parent Summaries for each child.

Once you complete your Parent Summary, I recommend you download and/or print a copy of this document to keep for your personal records. Then, you can "Turn In" your document to your school. Either they will have a "Turn In" button listed on the top right of the document, or you will have to manually upload it in Google Classroom, which I explain in the Navigating Schoolzone & Google Classroom Article.

Good luck parents and students, you can do it! For instructions on filling out a Home Education Plan, please click here.

Resources For Curriculum outcomes from Alberta Education can be found here. (Just make sure you select the correct grade and subject using the green buttons and icons).

You may also choose to just Google "Course outlines for (insert subject name and grade) in Alberta (or other residing province)."

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